“I am an old man and I have known a great many troubles, but
most of them never happened” - Mark Tawin
Yes, you have probably heard of it many times. People are
always saying that you should not worry but worry seems to find you on its own.
The thing is that worry is not going to bring you what you need. What you need
to do is focus on what you want rather than worry about is not being with you
already. You must keep yourself open to receiving what you want. Thinking negatively
closes the doors and brings in more negativity. The more clearly you focus
on your goals consciously and subconsciously the better you are prepared to
achieve them. You must focus on everything positive and make it a habit not to
dwell on the negative. Always keep in mind how you wish your life to be instead
of complaining about how it is. Numbers of studies have shown the following
statistics about worries:
40% never happens- so in advance we are wasting our time by
30% of what we worry about has already happened. No one
can change the past. Accept it for what it is and go on.
12% are needless worries, such as what someone else thinks
about us.
10% are minor and unimportant such as we worry about being
late, we worry about what to wear, what to eat, what to speak etc.
8% of what we worry about actually happens and out this
percentage 4% are beyond our control. We cannot change the outcome. These may
include our health, the death of loved one or natural disaster. Stop worrying on
the things that cannot be changed. Once Wayne Dyer said, “It makes no sense to
worry about things you have no control over because there’s nothing you can do
about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying
keeps you immobilized”. If you can’t sleep then get up and do something instead
of lying there worrying. Remove out all your worries from your mind and write
down all your worries on the paper and then go the bathroom and flash your all
worries. Hopefully you will feel better. If you get worried it will just hype
up your blood pressure and you will lose some seconds of your life. It’s true
that a pound of worry won’t pay an ounce of Debt.
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