Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fatigue is your own creation

          “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.”- Vince Lombardi
One of the most common diseases in our modern world is fatigue. Our society is paralyzed by this disease. You will be shocked to learn that, generally, the fatigue disease is nothing more than an illusion. Just think about the last time you were at the office or at home reading something boring and dull. Think of how tired you felt reading it. Your head started to bob and you actually nodded off a few times. Then you were interrupted by a ringing phone or a friendly colleague who dropped by. All of sudden, the drowsiness and fatigue vanished. You felt alert and vibrant again. You were really not tired at all but, rather, had created this state because you were not interested in the subject. Worry and negative thinking is the greatest cause of fatigue known. A wandering mind will do more to make you tired than a 10 mile run. The mind is like a thousand volt battery. It starts the day fully charged and loaded with of energy. The, as the day goes by, 100 volts are lost worrying abut the bills. Another 200 volts are lost thinking about some past event that is really not important and that you now you should not even think about. Another 300 volts are lost by daydreaming about a vacation that you want to take but cannot afford. Soon all your energy is gone and you feel like you need a rest. To eliminate this mental fatigue is to control over thought in your mind. Make certain that each one is an optimistic, positive one. Then, start to realize that you have an incredible energy reserve that is simply waiting to be tapped. Realize that fatigue is your own creation. When the tired feeling starts to take hold, keep focused on the task at hand. It has been said that successes do those things that failures don’t like to do even though they also find them unpleasant. Break the habit of fatigue. Toss it away.

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