the change you want to see in the world"- Mahatma Gandhi
#1. Once You’re In, You’re in for Life.
If you commit to being intentional about the impact you want
to have on the world, you will always be welcome here. Living Your Legend is a way
of life. This is your home and we have your back any way you need it.
#2. This is OUR Revolution.
This is not mine. This is not yours. It is all of ours. We
all contribute and make the Revolution positive and possible. There is no guru.
We are just a group of people passionately committed to making our mark on the
world. It’s everyone’s responsibility to grow, share and spread the impact
we’re creating.
#3. We Take Our Environment Very Very Seriously.
No one does anything alone. The people around you create
who you are. If they inspire you, you’ll be inspired. If they depress you,
you’ll be depressed. Those around you absolutely must dream as big or bigger
and have as much passion or more than you do. There’s no time for those who don’t inspire and support doing
the things that matter to you and the world. Get rid of the doubters, and don’t
let the empowering ones leave your sight. You are the average of your
surroundings. Choose wisely. You being here is a good start!
#4. Invest The Time & Energy to Know Who You Are
- No Sleepwalking Allowed!
The better you know yourself, the more likely you are to do
work that matters. Study your strengths, know your weaknesses, identify your
values, define your success, learn the things that excite and terrify you. Live
a life congruent with who you are. Become a self-expert.
#5. There Is No Failure.
The only way to fail is to never start in the first place. To
let that idea die inside of you – to leave your song unsung. To never have the
courage to dance. If you try, if you take your crack at making a difference,
you have already succeeded. Some things will be a home run. Others will not.
But everything is learning. And when we commit to taking action, it’s all a
#6. We Are All Experts. Embrace and Develop it.
Live your strengths. Every one of us is expert enough at
something to help someone else in a unique way. Discover what that is and put
it to work every day. We are all experts and we are all beginners. Constantly
offer help and receive it.
#7. We Question Everything.
Always assume there’s another way. Don’t take things for
granted just because everyone else does. That’s usually the best reason to stop
listening (see the Mark Twain quote above). None of you are here for average.
Ask why. Ask how. Ask why not.
#8. We Don’t Do Things For The Money.
Money will never motive anyone long enough to handle the
swings of pursuing an idea. Passion and the desire to make a difference will.
Money is important, and we must remember that our talents, positioned the right
way, can be very valuable to people. But money takes the backseat, passion and impact take the
front. Rarely do people get rich because they pursued riches. They get rich
because they focused their life on helping people and changing the world. Then
the money starts to show up – and by then it usually doesn’t matter anyway.
#9. We Measure Against Our Own Standards, Not Others.
All of us have different definitions of success and goals
that likely have nothing to do with those around us. So stop comparing to others.
You are your own comparison. Define your success and own it.
#10. We Believe In Everything We Do.
If you don’t have a deep emotional reason for doing the work
you do, you’ll likely never do what matters. Know your beliefs. Why do you care
so much about the things you do? Nothing big happens without the right reasons.
Does what you’re doing actually matter? If you can’t put your heart into
it, then get yourself out of it.
#11. Our Life Is An Experiment.
We constantly experiment with new people, jobs, projects and
experiences. See what sticks. Without experiments, we’ll never learn anything.
Without learning, we’ll get nowhere. Our life is a series of experiments – big
and small. Always be testing. Live outside of what’s comfortable, and never
underestimate the importance of being a beginner.
#12. We Constantly Push Limits & Test What’s Possible.
We are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit
for. Most things are not as impossible as we think. The only way to find out is
to try. This is as important with our bodies as it is with business and
life. When we start to do things we didn’t used to think were possible,
the newfound confidence transfers to all kind of other parts of life. If you just pushed yourself over the finish line of your first
marathon (or 5k, for that matter) then why couldn’t you also find a way to
double your business’s sales next year? Do your impossible. The fastest way to
do the things you don’t think can be done, is to hang around people already
doing them. Brainwash the impossible. Make it your new normal. See #3. You came
to the right place.
#13. We Learn by Doing. Taking Action is the Priority.
The only real way to learn is to experiment. None of this
matters if you don’t get out and actually do something with it. The magic
doesn’t happen in the learning. It happens in the action you take as a
result. When in doubt, do something. Anything. You have to start.
# 14. We Are All The Leader – We Are All The Follower. We
Dance Together.
A revolution without people is just an idea no one’s heard
of. We have come together because we believe in the same vision for the
world. We believe that work and a career are something meant to be
embraced and enjoyed. We believe in having a unique impact. We are all the leaders of that movement. It is our
responsibility to take on the role of the leader. For us to each become those
revolutionaries. Maybe that means recruiting one friend
or rallying your own army. Lead however you want to lead. A crazy dancing fool only becomes a movement when that second
person decides to stand up and dance alongside him. Not as their follower, but
as their equal. As an equal leader who shares the same vision and that same
dream. That’s when the scales start to tip. This revolution, this party of ours, would be nothing without
you dancing alongside us. Be that first follower. Be that leader. Be
the revolution. And most importantly…
#15. Be The Change you want to see in the world.
No matter your vision, you are where the change begins. All
of us are where it starts. Live out what you want to see the world become.
Inspire the people around you by doing the things that inspire you.
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