Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Being proactive is the first step to personal mastery.

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to be start to be great."
-Zig Zagler 
Being proactive means you no longer chalk up past failures of lack of achievement to your family background or personal circumstances. Being proactive means that you no longer cry over spilt milk and complaint about the hand this world has dealt you.You must exercise your proactivity muscles to develop the mindset of a true champion. You must see yourself as a little god on this earth, one who has all the qualities required for great success and a burning desire to achieve it.  If you have such dreams, you will indeed find a way to achieve them. Gandhi, Ford, Lincoln, Bell, Kennedy and Salk all did and so can you. 
All highly successful people are proactive. They view setbacks and failures as lessons and see mistakes as wonderful opportunities to grow. They have come to understand that pain is a teacher and there are no negative events in life, only outcomes which you can choose to view in a positive light if you wish. Study any rose and its stem. Some will see it as a rosebush with a few little thorns along the way. Others might see it as a thornbush with a little rose at the end. The object to study is the same, what is different is your interpretation. Once you develop the essential habit of thinking effectively, a new reality will unfold. When you begin to realize that you hold in your mind infinite power to shape your destiny, wonderful things start to happen. More than likely, you are only using 25% of your mind incredible potential, at best. What about the rest? Are you really willing to waste the billions of brain cells that you have been given and the marvel we call the human body on a life of mediocrity? In the twinkling of an eye, this very second you can transform your life. Make the decision and the commitment to be the very best you can be. Being the proactive means you shape the circumstances and they do not shape you. You have the choice of interpreting any event that has happened in the past or that will unfold in the future according to your wishes. For example, if someone is particularly insulting to you, you have a choice as to how you interpret the event. The average person becomes angry and repeatedly asks himself why someone would do this-pushing himself into a negative, fully unproductive state. The person who has developed proactivity appreciates that he has the power to interpret the event in a manner to empower him. As Eleanor Roosevelt said: “no one can hurt you without your consent.” Gandhi put it another way:”they cannot take our self-respect if we do not give it to them.” The key is the interpretation of the action and to choose to see the event as one that will help you grow. 

Being proactive means that you can live a blissful existence, seeing the good in all events unfolding on the beautiful canopy of life. There is no such thing as an unpleasant experience. Every experience has the potential to improve an element of your character or to present a challenge to you which may lift you to a higher level spiritually, physically, mentally and professionally. True winners see problems as great opportunities. Where other fail, they thrive. See blue sky above every rain storm-it is there. Proactivity is the first step to personal mastery. It is really nothing more than self-control. And self-control, like all essential mastery qualities, can be developed through patient and consistent perseverance and regular conditioning. Once you make the choice to run these muscles on a daily basis, you will take control of your life and awaken the true potential that now slumbers deep within you.