Thursday, July 25, 2013

Out of the 168 hours in your week, can you not spare 6 or 7?

    “The person who has no time for exercise must make time for illness.”

Transform your life and lift it to a much higher level by one simple activity: exercise. People are willing to go under the knife to look years younger, try bizarre diets and coat their bodies with New age longevity creams when everyone knows that the surefire way to look young and feel fantastic is to spend time everyday in some form of physical activity. Top leaders and other peak performers all have one thing in common: they have understood the tremendous power of vigorous exercise on a daily basis as a tool for self-mastery and life excellence. Do not say that you are so busy you cannot afford to exercise. Out of the 168 hours in your week, can you not spar 6 or 7 in the interest of your longevity, mental toughness and happiness? Physical exercise will change you. It will add power and focus to your dreams. Make one of the best decisions of your life and make the commitment to an exercise routine today. And if you really want to transform your life then start with yoga which plays vital part for both body and mind conditioning. Yoga is the Sanscrit word meaning union of mind and body. This 5000 years old activity will boost your stamina, provide you with exceptional relaxation and increase your concentration dramatically. Yoga when combined with a healthiest diet and positive thinking will have truly dramatic effects on your life and the passion that you bring to it. Try it a few times and you will never give it up. You will stay younger longer, be far more productive, erase the worry habit and radiate an exceptional degree of vitality. The practice of Yoga offers not only physical but mental training as well and is the world’s oldest system of personal management. And remember one thing 1000 mile journey begins with one step.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Steps to turn your dreams into reality

“We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day or in the red fire of a long winter’s evening. Some of us let great dreams die, but others nourish and protect them, nurse them through bad days till they bring them to the sunshine and light which comes always to those who sincerely hope that their dreams will come true.”-Woodrow Wilson

Einstein, Emerson, Napoleon Hill, Olympic athletes and many other high achievers have used this strategy in one form or another for one reason-it works!
  • Clearly decide on your goal and picture its attainment in your mind every night just before you sleep. Picture yourself having achieved your outcome. Make your visualization clear and colorful. 
  • Develop a strong belief that it will come true by autosuggestion (repetition of the idea aloud) throughout the day. Self-suggestion has been used very successfully in the East for over 4000 years and is an age-old method of developing strong faith. Repeat your desire aloud ten times before your sleep. 
  • Through repetition of thought, the goal will become a burning desire. 
  • Develop a clear plan of how you will achieve the goal and seek out all opportunities for its fruition. 
  • Write out the goal, the plan of action and the date by which you will achieve it. Repeat this aloud 10 times a day with belief in its purpose and with intense feeling. 
As mentioned, this success formula may seem odd but it has been used by some of the world’s most successful leaders and it will surely work for you. Do not apply it for only a day and then give up. Have faith in this formula and it will work wonders for you. All your dreams will be placed at the forefront of your consciousness and the forces of thought will make them come true.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Set clear goals with deadline and strategy

                    "A goal is a dream with a deadline."-Nepoleon Hill 

Set clear goals with a deadline and make a strategy to achieve it. Clear goals are the essential foundation of success. Without clearly defined goals for both the near future and the long-term, you are like a ship moving through the deep seas without a course. You are like a jet flying without a flight plan. You are like a brain surgeon operating with a blindfold on. Once you know the direction in which you are travelling through life, your days take on new. When you set your clear goals then next move is write out your goals and attach firm deadlines to them so you will not put them off. Then make a daily plan of attack which breaks the big goal into smaller bite-sized chunks that are easy to swallow and far less intimidating. If a goal is too overwhelming, it will not be tackled. But if it is broken down into smaller bites it becomes manageable and even fun. Rick Hansen, the man who travelled around the world in his wheelchair was asked the secret of achieving this exceptional feat. He said that rather than focusing on the 24,901 miles he had to cover, he simply thought only about taking one session at a time, 23 miles per session, three sessions a day. Start off small. Small victories always lead to large ones. Highly successful people, from leaders in the world of finance to parents leading happy, loving families, all share one powerful habit: they set goals with a deadline and make a strategy to achieve the goals. Remember that ageless principle your inner world determines your outer world.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fatigue is your own creation

          “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.”- Vince Lombardi
One of the most common diseases in our modern world is fatigue. Our society is paralyzed by this disease. You will be shocked to learn that, generally, the fatigue disease is nothing more than an illusion. Just think about the last time you were at the office or at home reading something boring and dull. Think of how tired you felt reading it. Your head started to bob and you actually nodded off a few times. Then you were interrupted by a ringing phone or a friendly colleague who dropped by. All of sudden, the drowsiness and fatigue vanished. You felt alert and vibrant again. You were really not tired at all but, rather, had created this state because you were not interested in the subject. Worry and negative thinking is the greatest cause of fatigue known. A wandering mind will do more to make you tired than a 10 mile run. The mind is like a thousand volt battery. It starts the day fully charged and loaded with of energy. The, as the day goes by, 100 volts are lost worrying abut the bills. Another 200 volts are lost thinking about some past event that is really not important and that you now you should not even think about. Another 300 volts are lost by daydreaming about a vacation that you want to take but cannot afford. Soon all your energy is gone and you feel like you need a rest. To eliminate this mental fatigue is to control over thought in your mind. Make certain that each one is an optimistic, positive one. Then, start to realize that you have an incredible energy reserve that is simply waiting to be tapped. Realize that fatigue is your own creation. When the tired feeling starts to take hold, keep focused on the task at hand. It has been said that successes do those things that failures don’t like to do even though they also find them unpleasant. Break the habit of fatigue. Toss it away.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Discipline and Will-power ensure your success

                "People do not lack strength, they lack Discipline and Will-power."
The golden keys to self-mastery and life excellence are discipline and will-power. They are the qualities that ensure success. Discipline and will-power allow you to ensure that the things which matter most in your life are never at the mercy of those that matter the least. Discipline and will-power, like the biceps, are muscles to be conditioned and built up. Without the power that discipline brings, no dream can be realized. Without will-power, you become a victim to the evils of procrastination, laziness and sloth. It might seem difficult to develop at the outset, once these are consistently exercised into a habit, stunning results appear and once-hard tasks become easy. With discipline and will-power you can raise your standards of physical fitness, tap into amazing reserve of knowledge, start and finish major tasks, control your diet, triple your energy level, built your character to achieve a more fulfilling life and enhance your personal relations. Without discipline or will-power, you are lost and are destined to be the servant of your mind rather than having your mind serve you. Every person who has met with great success in life has had an abundance of discipline and will-power. Your world will change with these exceptional qualities but you must first understand that they are currently dormant within you. These priceless gems simply need to be polished and refined before they bring you riches that you could never imagine. Success on the outside begins with success on the inside. If you want to be more effective or smart enough in every aspect of your life, start with your inner world and cultivate your inner resources that are sleeping inside of you.  

Friday, July 19, 2013

Where is your childhood's dream?

Where is your childhood’s dream? As a child, you dreamed of becoming movie star, an astronaut, doctor, scientist, rock-star or a president. We all had such great dreams. Some of us wanted to be sports heroes or to lead countries. Others wanted to be business tycoons or have ideal family lives with supportive and loving relationships. What happened? What happened to your aspirations and deep hopes? You were taught that some things were beyond your ability. You were told that this is not your cup of tea. You were told that you don’t have sufficient money and therefore you cannot do things that you want to do. You were told that you cannot do the things that you love to do because you are a child. You were told that regular people did not move into the White House and you best focus on making a living and paying the bills. Today if you see yourself, you will find that you are not living your life, you are living someone else’s life. Today you are not the person that you always wanted to be or desired to be. It is never too late, still you can live your childhood's dream. Do what you love to do the most. Live your own life. Be the person you wanted to be. As well said by Steve Jobs, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most Important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” Dedicate yourself and your energies to lifelong success. Forget about past failures and problems. True changes in your energy levels; in your financial resources and in the richness of your relationships do not take one year or six months, or six weeks or six days to happen. Real change takes only one second. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Create your own mental pictures

“The soul never thinks without a mental pictures.”- Aristotle

One of the great keys to a better life is to change your self-image. Our self-image is determined by the mental pictures we constantly run through our minds. Our minds work through pictures and when we change the pictures to show what we really want in our lives and what we really can achieve; our self-image will also improve dramatically. This leads to greater confidence and belief in our personal abilities and power. Goals are then easily achieved and the ordinary becomes the extraordinary. Constantly keep your dreams at the front of your mind. Repeat them all day, every day. Never, let go of them. In doing so, your subconscious mind plays a particular great role in the outcome of your life and mental pictures and verbalization play a big role in stimulating your subconscious mind. Anything you can achieve if you faithfully and honestly believe in your mental pictures or image and persistently take action in that direction. To win any race in the life, you have to see yourself winning the race in your mental pictures and when you concentrate all your mental and physical energy on your mental pictures or on a single purpose, dormant forces that you never knew you had are sparked into action.