Monday, September 23, 2013

Have faith in your Instincts

“Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something-your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”–Steve Jobs
You’ve no doubt heard of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, Inc, and a successful entrepreneur and businessman who created iPods, iPhones, iPads, and numerous other technological wonders you can’t live without. 

The idea behind Jobs’ quote is significant because he talks about how you can’t know everything when you first set out to do something. Jobs believed one just has to have faith that in the scheme of life, what he does will eventually have an impact. Jobs stressed that you must have trust in what you’re doing. 

When you have that faith, you’ll continue your journey, doing what you have faith in. It’s only later, down the road, when you can look back and see the impact of your work. 

How to Apply Steve Jobs’ Tip to Your Life

Even though you may not have a complete sense of how what you want to do will fit in to the big scheme of things, if you truly feel it’s what you should be doing or that it’s the right thing to do, then just follow through with your pursuits. Have faith that you’re supposed to be doing what you’ve chosen. 

Regardless of whether you believe in destiny or prefer to listen to your gut: what does your internal “trust-meter” tell you to do? 

If you trust your instincts that something you want to do will be effective or useful to someone, then pursue it and keep doing it. If you continue in the pursuits you have faith in, you won’t be disappointed. Your work will eventually come to fruition.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Discover Your Passion

“Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.”–David Frost
David Frost, a British journalist and media personality, encapsulated one of the most important concepts of being successful: find something you’re truly passionate about and do it. If you feel strongly about something, no matter what it is, you’ll most likely enjoy perfecting your skills in that field and becoming an authority on your subject matter - fueling your success. Your chances of being successful greatly increase when you’re passionate about what you’re doing.

How to Apply David Frost’s Tip to Your Life

Once you discover your passion, all you have to do is just keep doing it to achieve success. For example: If you loved to work on cars as a teen, figure out a way to continue your mechanical pursuits and get paid for them as an adult. If you’re passionate about baking cookies and cakes, bake plenty of these pastries and sell them. You see, when you do what you love, you’ll enjoy the time you spend doing it. Plus, you’ll be compelled to experiment more with your chosen work and become better and better at whatever it is you’re doing. Your confidence will surge and so, too, will your success. Try these tips to bring more of what you love into your work life:

1.  What do you enjoy most? If your current career isn’t one of your choices, then consider bringing one of your hobbies into your work life. By building a career around a beloved hobby, you’ll enjoy your work considerably; then work will be more like play. Rather than quitting your job to do your hobby, try building a side income with your hobby first.

2. How can you monetize it? Determine several ways you can make a profit from your hobby. Could you sell what you make? Could you teach others your skills? Could you start a related business selling hobby supplies to others? Could you start a website where you discuss your hobby and sell advertising on it to bring in regular income?

3. Get started. Whatever plans you make for turning what you love into your work, take action toward making it a reality. For example, if you want further education or certification in your chosen line of work, enroll in a class. If you’re going to sell what you make, make some items and sell them - you could use Craigslist, eBay, put up a website, and more.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Have the Courage to follow your Intuition

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma-which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition- Steve Jobs

The only valuable thing is your intuition. Listen to your intuition. It will tell you everything you need to know. Your intuition is the gateway to your unlimited self, and all the wisdom, love and guidance you need to craft your life optimally! It is the ultimate navigation tool that when tapped and engaged, will chart the course to a dream-filled, blessed and 'on purpose' life. What's so exciting (and empowering), is that your intuition can be consciously accessed and applied! Your intuition is a phenomenal untapped tool ready and waiting to be harnessed for all manner of good things! It will serve you in all areas of life such as health, relationships, career, business, money, personal growth, diet, emotional fulfillment, deeper understanding about your life and path, etc. Your intuition opens the doors to True Success; success that reflects and expresses your unique gifts, talents and potential and your soul's calling. Every problem has a solution! Your intuition is the portal to those solutions and the guidance that will transform your life in from the inside out. As you heighten your inner senses, you will polish and refine your visualization skills and be able to more substantially envision your goals on all levels for their subsequent outer world manifestation. Your intuition grants you unshakable confidence and a new found trust in self and life. It is a unique kind of confidence that comes from knowing and experiencing your true value and worth, knowing that you are loved, and being open to receive that love in its many forms. When you fully unleash the power of your intuition, a whole new level of manifestation dawns. Your intuition engages the grace of co-creation. Your intuition anchors that guidance and support in your reality and opens your ears, eyes and heart in new alternate ways. It provides the insights, pointers, catalysts and opportunities, and empowered choices, so you can chart the course to your bliss. You are here to be YOU, not a carbon copy of another. Your dreams, hopes, desires, gifts, purpose and potentials are unique only to you! It's time to be a leader not a follower, a leader in and of your own life as well as in the lives of others. To be a leader means being in your seat of power, your authentic self, and shining your light, and the unique gifts and talents you have come to bring the world. The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become, the stronger you become and the happier you become. Accessing and experiencing who you truly are is a profound experience that will shift your energy and life. The divine essence that you are is more beautiful, radiant, brilliant and magnificent than you may yet be aware.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Some facts you must know with open eyes

1. The careful study of politics teaches one to discern what is wrong and what is right. And imparts wisdom to choose the path that leads to success and good result. 

2. A wise one should not impart knowledge to a brainless idiot or associate oneself with a woman of low character or keep company of a complainer beset with miseries.  Because they only cause frustration and pain.

3. Death is the fate of person who lives in a place which houses a scheming woman, or a deceitful friend, or disrespectful servant or a poisonous Snake.

4. Protect the money you save for hard time. Protect your woman with the money. Protect yourself with the money and the woman.

5. Save and guard your money for rainy days, if you are not careful, the money has a tendency to get dissipated easily. Bad times come unheralded.

6. Never make a country your home that denies you respect, that offers no means of livelihood that does not give you a family and friends and a country that has no education system.

7. Do not live a place for a single day where there are rich people, no king, no scholar, no river and no physician.

8. Do not live in a society which is devoid of, employment opportunities, fear, shame cleverness and spirit of sacrifice.

9. Test the fidelity of the people around the following testing times, a servant sent to fulfill a task, kith and kin in hard times, a friend in hour of dire need, and wife when is money is gone.

10. A true brother or friend is he who stands by you in illness, in hard times, in famine, in facing enemies, in royal court, and in funeral ground.

11. Do not run after what is uncertain, and the process you might lose what was certain.

12. Do not trust clawed beasts, long and sharp horned animals, persons in arms, woman and royalty.

13. Accepting nectar from poison, gold from unclean source, learning from a person of a lower class and a good woman from a family of bad repute is not wrong.

14. Women have twice the food, four times of shame, six times of courage and eight times of sex hunger.