Monday, November 18, 2013

The Universe is waiting on you so be clear what you want

If you aren't yet at the point of clarity, then make that your first goal. It's a big waste of time to go through life being unclear about what you want. Most people wallow way too long in the state of "I don't know what to do." They wait for some external force to provide them with clarity, never realizing that clarity is self-created. The universe is waiting on you, not the other way around, and it's going to keep waiting until you finally make up your mind. Waiting for clarity is like being a sculptor staring at a piece of marble, waiting for the statue within to cast off the unneeded pieces. Do not wait for clarity to spontaneously materialize -- grab a chisel and get busy!

The first step is to know exactly what you want. When you work for yourself, it's easy to spend a whole day at your desk and accomplish nothing of value. This almost always happens when you aren't really clear about what it is you're trying to do. In the moments when you regain your awareness, ask yourself, "What exactly is it that I'm trying to accomplish here?" You must know your destination with as much clarity as possible. Make your goals specific, and put them in writing. Your goals must be so clear that it would be possible for a stranger to look at your situation objectively and give you an absolute "yes" or "no" response as to whether you've accomplished each goal or not. If you cannot define your destination precisely, how will you know when you've arrived? 

Take a moment to stop and write down a snapshot description of how you want your life to be from now. What will your monthly income be? How much will you weigh? Who will your friends be? Where will you be in your career? What will your relationship be like? What will your web site look like? Be specific. Absolute clarity will give you the edge that will keep you on course.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Dreamers are world changers

“All successful men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.”-Brian Tracy

Turn off the T.V. Turn down the volume on your radio. Block out all noise. Be quiet and listen. Listen for just five minutes. We don’t want you to pay attention for our sake, but for yours. Are you not worth five minutes of your own time?

Do you have a deep desire to achieve something great? Do you want to live a more satisfying life? Can you see yourself being happy and successful in every way? Do you believe in your own potential and that here is much more to you than meets the eye? 

If so, you are a dreamer. Right now you are the most important person around. You are that special.

A dreamer is a person who is not afraid to challenge society’s norms and not afraid to tread their own path rather than following the well-trodden path. A dreamer is someone who is always willing to take a chance and always asks why before doing something that others are doing blindly. A dreamer is a person who has a great futuristic picture which they work to achieve at all costs. Dreamers are world changers.

Dreamers chart their own course and destiny. Dreamers are always striving to be the person they were meant to be and are not afraid to be different. We believe every one of us is born unique in every way, but over the years we work very hard to become like everyone else. You can make all the difference and, if you are a dreamer, we know you are not waiting for someone else to do it. You do it!

Sadly but true, and in the words of Myles Munroe - “The poorest man in the world is the man without a dream. The most frustrated man in the world is the man with a dream that never becomes reality.”

                                        Have a dream. Make it a reality.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Wanted to Change the World

When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.  Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world. 
Author: unknown monk around 1100 AD

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Rich People Have Big Libraries – Poor People Have Big TVs

Rich People Have Big Libraries – Poor People Have Big TVs by Rob Walcher

Have you made up your mind that you are ready to move into the field where the big earners play? You’re tired of low-income wages. You’re tired of barely getting by. You’re sick to the teeth of scrimping and never having enough. You are desperate for things to not just be better, but to be really great!

If that describes you, there are some questions you will need to face squarely and answer honestly.

1. If you want to become a millionaire (that’s fairly wealthy, wouldn’t you say), how do millionaires act?

2. If you want to become a big earner, how do big earners think?

3. If you want to be rich, what is it that differentiates the rich from the poor? Most people answer these questions something like this:

Millionaires live in big houses and buy luxury cars.

Big earners think about how much money they have to spend and where they’re going on their next cruise.

Rich are different from poor because they have more money.

Wrong, wrong and wrong!

You Will Never Join the Rich if You Never Know the Rich

Let’s take this questioning a step further. If you wanted to be a corporate executive, wouldn’t you need to know what corporate executives do and what it is that works best for them? If you wanted to be a sky diver, wouldn’t it be in your best interest to find out what successful sky divers do and what works for them? If you wanted to ski double-black diamond slopes, will you just head for the slopes one day and jump in with the veterans? Am I making my point?

If you want to be wealthy (rich) doesn’t it stand to reason that you would learn how wealthy people think? And learn how they are different? To believe you become truly wealthy just because you gain a ton money; is similar to thinking you are an expert sky diver just because you know how to strap on a parachute. There’s so much more to it!

This article is much too confined to do justice to such as study as this, but let’s make a brief, general overview. Hopefully it will create a desire in you to learn more. Just for clarification: we are referring to the rich as those who are wealthy inwardly as well as outwardly. If they lost everything tomorrow, they would have the wherewithal to build it all over again, because it isn’t the money, but their mindset.

Let’s begin by taking the cue from our title: Wealthy people invest in self-improvement of mind and spirit. Poor people invest in things like big-screen TVs. See how it works? Here are a few more.

  • Wealthy people are willing to take calculated risks. Poor people want a guarantee (i.e. steady paycheck). They feel that the whole world is out to get them.
  •  Wealthy people step out of the pack; they are not afraid to work independently. Poor people have a herd mentality; they watch a lot of TV and let the world do their thinking for them.
  •  Wealthy people are solutions-minded; problems are just an annoying bump in the road. Poor people crash at the first sign of a problem – they were sure it wouldn’t work all along. The problem proved them right!
  •  Wealthy people are big thinkers; they aren’t afraid of a few extra zeroes in their income level. Poor people think small – after all, it’s safer that way.
  • Wealthy people make quick decisions; they are always moving forward. Poor people procrastinate, and then procrastinate some more. They are waiting for the “just right” time to get onto that road to success. If these concepts and this way of looking at life are new to you, it’s time for you to get busy! Stop wasting time. As business philosopher Jim Rohn says: “We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.”  
It’s pretty obvious that wealthy, successful people have chosen the latter. Which will you choose?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Who Are You?

Confident People

  • Open Minded
  • Gives Compliments
  • Willing to Learn From Other People
  • Takes Responsibility for Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, Results
  • Operates On Principles
  • Admits Mistakes
  • Not Afraid To Show Flaws
  • Positive Thinker
  • Risk Taker
  • Never Talks Negatively About Others
  • Abundance Mindset – Giver
  • Likes Spending Time With People
  • Accepts others Differences
  • Can Laugh At Themselves
  • Makes Decisions Quickly
  • Keeps Learning and Growing

Insecure People

  • Closed Minded
  • Seeks Validation
  • Know-It-All
  • Makes Excuse for Everything
  • Do What Feels Good
  • Blames Others
  • Comes off Fake Because They Hide Flaws
  • Negative Thinker
  • Stays In Comfort Zone
  • Gossips
  • Scarcity Mindset
  • Dislikes People
  • Judgmental
  • Worry What Others Will Think
  • Can’t Make Decisions
  • Stays Stuck in Old Ways and Bad Habits