In our society, a great plague
is our lack of energy.
You are what you eat. By
transforming your diet, you can dramatically reshape your body, moods, energy
levels and overall vitality. It is believed that mental clarity and mental
toughness are directly related to the nature of one’s diet. You just need to
follow a strictly natural diet. A pure diet is one based on living foods-those
created by the natural interaction of the sun, air, soil and water. The pure
diet emphasizes fruits and their juices, vegetables and grains. By making changing to your diet to ensure
that these Mega-foods form at least 70% of your diet, you will take the first
step to ensuring physical mastery and a vital life. Here are some of the proven
benefits you will receive when you start to eat living foods regularly rather
than dead foods.
2. Enhanced concentration and creativity.
3. Decreased obesity, loss of body fat.
4. Enhanced complexion, skin tone and vitality.
5. Lower sleep requirements.
6. Less digestive difficulties.
7. Improved alertness and mental agility, memory benefits.
8. A longer life.
9. A greater sense of harmony with Nature.
10. General health excellence.
A diet rich
in vegetables, grains and fruits is truly what nature intended for us to have.
Compare how you feel after eating a steak for a meal, with the way you feel
after eating fresh salad. Natural foods such as fruits are easily digested,
leaving the energy available for more productive pursuits like achieving your
dreams and becoming the very best that you can be. One need only look at the
most powerful animals on the planet. The elephant, rhino and gorilla (which has
thirty times a man’s strength) all survive on vegetables or fruits. Energy is
the first fundamental of life excellence for without an abundance of it you are
like a rocket without fuel. For peak energy, it is important that you eat
according to the natural cycles which occur in your body. They are as follows:
- The Welcoming cycle Noon – 8 p.m. (Mega-foods such as fruits taken in and digested)
- The Absorption cycle 8 p.m.-4 a.m. ( the foods are used)
- The Removal cycle 4 a.m. –noon (foods are eliminated)
recognizing these natural body cycles and eating in a way to allow each cycle
to be most effective, you will release your tremendous energy reserves and see
more vibrant health than ever before. The key is to ensure that toxins are
flushed out of the body and the body remains pure inside. In a recent study in
Finland, researchers learned that 38% of the new vegetarians studied reported
that they felt less fatigued and more alert after only seven months. So, start
eating more ethnic foods and you will finally be able to have the fun you
always wanted to have and, ultimately, live the life you have always wanted to
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