Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Focus on at one time means you done.

Focusing on at one thing at one time means you done. Meaning thereby more chances to reach your destination in less time. At one time focusing on one thing will be the best way to use this formula rather than focusing on so many things. You can see the people in your society those are very successful in their lives saying that they focused only one thing at one time and that's why they are on top and they have achieved what they wanted from their lives just simply because of applying the formula to focus on one thing. Have you ever seen a leather strip tied on the both sides eyes of the horse if yes then it is simply because that horse may focus on the way of his destination and may not get distracted to his destination.  In today's lives we do not focus on one thing and consequently we get lost in charm of world.  Come on don't do that again and again start focusing on one thing whole universe will be with you to achieve your goal, give your whole energy, power and you will see the result that those dreams were just dreams now have come into reality. Once a boy visits a wise old man to learn from him and asks how long would it take from me to become as wise as you? Wise old man replied, five years, Boy again asks, what if I work double time? Wise man, then it will take Ten years. The perplexed Boy, why should it take more time with more efforts? Wise man says with your one eye focused on the destination, you'll have only one eye guiding you there." Start focusing on the thing that are really important to you. In life we may know each and everything but theoretically not practically. So we have to be practical. Unless we experience the thing practically we cannot taste the actual flavor.

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