Saturday, June 15, 2013

Don't regret

The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live" - Norman Cousins

We have heard so many times regretting the people on the life saying like I could have, I might have and I should have. We all have something in our memory bank of the past that we wish we could have done differently, or something we wish we didn’t do. As we grow older we will find the only things we regret are the things we didn’t do. This is your only one life. You will never get another chance to live another life to do the things that you are born to do or to fulfill your dreams or to complete the task that is incomplete.

Whatever you have to do, do this in your present life. It’s never too late to do the things that you wished or desired. In what age you are get up and start doing the things that you wished or desired to be. Give your best, at least give a one chance to fulfill or to reach to your dreams or desires that you love to be, so that you cannot say at the any point of time to yourself that you haven’t tried otherwise it could have done or it should have done. One universal fact is that everyone has to die but we don’t want to die regretting on the life, we want to die giving an example to others that we lived our life to the fullest as much as we can and further we want to die saying that at least we gave a try to do the things that we wished or desired to be rather than not doing the things that we wished or desired very much.

Get rid of the negative thoughts such as I could have, might have and should have. Start living a life that won’t make us feel regretful, not even at an older age. Don’t let die the person or things inside of you that you wanted to be from the life, keep it alive. Don't regret on the person or things you wanted to be, be that or achieve it, that's it.

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