Saturday, June 29, 2013

One word of one good book can change your life

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.”
- Joseph Brodsky

If you have not read today, you have not really lived today. Over the course of time we spend our lifetime opening junk mail, talking on phone for long time, chatting on social sites and so on. Why don’t we choose to read a good book daily? When you are reading a good book, actually you are growing and feeding your mind with a rich diet of ideas that you found in great books and in these times of rapid change ideas are the commodity of success.

 One idea from the right book can reshape your character, transform your relationships and revolutionize your life. When you read in a good book some great thoughts of greatest people who have walked this planet before you, your life improves and the depth of your thinking expands and you rise to a whole level of wisdom. A good book can change the way you live. Reading a good book allows you to connect with the world’s most creative, intelligent and inspiring people. Reading good book daily makes you different from others and this is also a good way to release your stress and depression.

Today’s there are so many people who are waiting to share their knowledge with you through their books. Why wouldn’t you grab this opportunity as often as you could? And knowing how to read but failing to do so puts you in exactly the same position as the person who cannot read but wants to. Reading good books support you in your solitude. Interestingly there is no friend as loyal as book in the world.  Start reading the good books you never know when a word of one good book can change your life. As well said, “A room without a books is like a body without a soul.”- Marcus Tullious Cicero

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