Saturday, July 13, 2013

Train and prepare yourself daily and live the life of champion

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, don’t’ quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion- Muhammad Ali. 

Prepare and train yourself daily. Anything you want to be great at requires training and preparation on a daily basis. Write a list of any of the great investors, athletes, artists and how often they work on their trade. So many times, we have heard the big names in our life such as Warrant Buffett, Bill Gates, Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan. They all are great in their lives. They are great not because of their personality, company, or the economy but because of they had the discipline to prepare and train. They have spent most of their times in training and preparing themselves. Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. This is what separates the people who are going through the motions and people who amass great wealth and success. Greatness doesn’t happen repeatedly because of luck but because of preparation. Most people aren’t great not because they can’t be but because they don’t train to be great. Train yourself daily. Everything worth doing is worth doing every day. Make preparation a daily discipline not just on game day. Train yourself in short segment. Your training must be measurable and rewarded. Train yourself for growth and seek out information to get you to the next level, to get you past where you may be stuck. Greatness does not come without training. Make a list of 10 great people you know in life and show me one of them that didn’t prepare. People who are at the top of their game are always training and preparing and are always looking for ways to improve. The same way professional athletes practice and work towards their goals, all of us need to train and drill so we can meet ours absolute best. To get to greatness, you must practice with discipline.

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