Sunday, September 1, 2013

Do you need money? Yes then do this.

Money is magnetic energy. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings. To become a powerful money magnet. 

  • Be clear about the amount of money you want to receive. State it and intend it! Don’t think about how much you can earn, but how much you want to receive.
  • Fall in love with money. Most people do not love money, because they always feel that they don’t have enough of it. 
  • Visualize and imagine yourself spending all the money you want, as though you have it already.
  • Speak, act and think from the mindset of being wealthy now. Eliminate thoughts and words of lack such as “I can’t afford it”, “It is too expensive.”
  • Do not speak or think of the lack of money for a single second.
  • Be grateful for the money you have. Appreciate it as you touch it.
  • Make lists of all the things you will buy with an abundance of money.
  • Do whatever it takes for you to feel wealthy.
  • Affirm to yourself every day that you have an abundance of money, and that it comes to you effortlessly.
  • Appreciate all the riches around you, including the riches of others. Look for wealth wherever you go, and appreciate it.
  • Be certain that money is coming to you.
  • Love yourself and know that you are deserving and worthy of an abundance of money.
  • Remind yourself everyday that you are a money magnet, and ask yourself often during the day, am I attracting money now or pushing it away with my thoughts?
  • Always, always pay yourself first from your wage, then pay your creditors. In that single act, you are telling the Universe that you are worthy and deserving of more.
  • Repeat over and over every day, “I am a money magnet and money comes to me effortlessly and easily.”
  • Do whatever it takes to feel good. The emotions of joy and happiness are powerful money magnets.  Be happy now!
  • Write out a check to yourself for the sum of money you would like to have and carry it in your wallet. Look at it often.
  • Love yourself! Wealth is a mindset. Money is literally attracted to you or repelled from you. It’s all about how you think.

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