Sunday, May 26, 2013

Being valuable gets more value in the World.

In today’s life you find yourself that you are compensated not by how hard you work but how much value you add to the world around you. Everyone is ready to pay you more if you are valuable to them. The monetary reward you receive is determined not by how long you work but by how much value you add. This is the reason a heart surgeon is paid so much more than a McDonald’s employee. Is the heart surgeon a hard worker? May be not. Is the heart surgeon smarter? Who knows? But one thing is certain: the heart surgeon has accumulated far more specialized knowledge and specific know-how than the McDonald’s employee.

There are only few people who can do what the heart surgeon does and as a result, the heart surgeon is perceived as far more valuable to the marketplace. This is why the heart surgeon is paid over 20 times more than the person who flips burgers. Money simply becomes a symbol for how much value each person has added to the world at large. As diamond gets always high bid after paring or trimming.

So to be paid more money in your work, you must add more value to the world. And the best way to begin adding value to the world is to start becoming a more valuable person. Get the skills no one else has. Read books no one else is reading. Think thoughts no one else is thinking. Or, to put it another way, you cannot have all that you want if you remain the same person as you are.  To get more from life, you need to be more in life.  

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Find your place of peace

Find your place of peace where you can be quiet and still for some times out of your 24 hours. Let your mind take some rest into that place of peace. There no one can come, totally silent place, there you can meet with your soul and you can talk to yourself. This place will serve as your oasis in the world of stress.

This place will be a place where you can take rest and get peace from the crush of daily activities that demand your time, energy and attention. This place can be your bedroom or an apartment with some fresh flowers. Even a wooden bench in your favorite park can serve as your place of peace. When you feel you need some time alone, visit this place and do some of those inner development activities that are so easy to neglect during the course of a busy day. Write in your journal whatever comes in your mind and make your mind empty and refresh it or listen to your favorite music. Close your eyes and visualize your dreams.

Replenishing your inner reserves allows you to give more, do more and be more for others. Making the time to care for your mind and spirit will keep you balanced, enthusiastic and youthful. Place of peace where you can keep your self-confidence and hope young.  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Get noticed by the Mob

First impression is last impression. Be attractive and smart so that you may get noticed far away out of the mob. Coming across as silly and ditzy can give people a impression that you are not as smart as your really are. You know your friends like you but how are you seen by your boss and strangers on the street. You can still sharpen up your look and not lose your integrity or your friends by looking at your physical appearance and also on your mental state.

Give a serious attention to your personal hygiene. Shave and shower daily. Evaluate your professional and social clothes and start adding smart looking pieces to your personal wardrobe. Wear shoes that are undamaged and free from scuff and that fit well and that can be polished. Keep yourself in touch as much as you can with the people those are older and experienced than you and doubt you will learn a lot.

Spend time talking to people older and more experienced than you. This will really broaden your view of the world and bring you much more knowledge about people and society. Look at your behaviors and see what you do that generates negative attention and what generates positive attention. Give a look why you do certain things. Do you do things to be controversial? To get attention? To look like your friends or to fit into a certain group? Evaluate your results and try to know something about yourself through the process of introspection. 

Read and watch the subjects or people that interest you. Visit art shows, historical sites and museums etc. Soak up the world around you. Awareness always makes you more knowledgeable and you will be having more intelligent things to talk about. Don’t spend all night on the computer chatting with friends.  But you will be got noticed or attracted only when you apply. Get out from the mob and get noticed.