Friday, June 14, 2013

Worry will bury your life

“I am an old man and I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened” - Mark Tawin

Yes, you have probably heard of it many times. People are always saying that you should not worry but worry seems to find you on its own. The thing is that worry is not going to bring you what you need. What you need to do is focus on what you want rather than worry about is not being with you already. You must keep yourself open to receiving what you want. Thinking negatively closes the doors and brings in more negativity. The more clearly you focus on your goals consciously and subconsciously the better you are prepared to achieve them. You must focus on everything positive and make it a habit not to dwell on the negative. Always keep in mind how you wish your life to be instead of complaining about how it is. Numbers of studies have shown the following statistics about worries:

40% never happens- so in advance we are wasting our time by worrying. 

30% of what we worry about has already happened.  No one can change the past. Accept it for what it is and go on. 

12% are needless worries, such as what someone else thinks about us. 

10% are minor and unimportant such as we worry about being late, we worry about what to wear, what to eat, what to speak etc. 

8% of what we worry about actually happens and out this percentage 4% are beyond our control. We cannot change the outcome. These may include our health, the death of loved one or natural disaster. Stop worrying on the things that cannot be changed. Once Wayne Dyer said, “It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there’s nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized”. If you can’t sleep then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. Remove out all your worries from your mind and write down all your worries on the paper and then go the bathroom and flash your all worries. Hopefully you will feel better. If you get worried it will just hype up your blood pressure and you will lose some seconds of your life. It’s true that a pound of worry won’t pay an ounce of Debt. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Build healthy relationship

Humans are social beings. We enjoy being understood and accepted;  feeling that we belong.  May be that’s why our friends, family and our life partner are so important to us. Unfortunately, we give value to individual achievement over personal relationship. We are good at finding career success but less than stellar at connecting with other people. As a result, our relationship often suffer. A healthy relationship is within our reach if we are willing to maintain. Life is short. Spend a lot time with your loved ones. Don’t get too involved in work that you start giving less time to your family. Family comes first. Cherish every moment with your loved ones. Be stick to your words. Follow through on your promises. When you say you are going to do something, do it. Don’t blow off or forget your premises. If you don’t complete your promises, it will destroy the trust and healthy relationships always need trust in order to thrive. In relationship admit your mistakes if you have done something wrong that hurt to somebody or your loved ones. Be humble and apologize sincerely without making excuses or justifications. In building healthy relationship you need to listen to your partner and loved ones. Being a good listener  is all about  paying attention to what they are saying and not blowing it off. Listening to your loved ones and partner will help to resolve the differences without arguing. To build a strong relationship, listen to everybody carefully and try to understand what they want to say. Show affection in whatever manner you can. Do something that  they will appreciate. In making healthy relationship you need to be loyal. Make sure that you will always be there for  them and will be loyal. Don’t hide anything from your partner and loved ones whether it is good or bad. Everything should be crystal clear. This way you will be able to overcome all the challenges and difficulties together. Everyone wants some freedom so don’t watch what he/she does. Everyone hates to be watched or controlled. Express your feelings to your partner or loved ones that how much they mean to you. Always encourage to your partner or loved ones, so that they can be successful at work or study. That will realize them how much you care about their future and they will believe that you are always there to support them.  Practice forgiveness, forgiveness is a decision of letting go of the past and focusing on the present. Give some space to your partner and loved ones. Laugh as much as you can and develop a better communication in relationship.   

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Smile please! You have nice smile

Smile please! It’s human tendency when you smile, you get smile. On the other side, when you angry, you get angry. Whatever you give, you receive in the same way. So why don’t you choose to smile. There is a smile right under your nose. Use it.  It’s a fact that when you smile whole world will smile with you. A little smile radiates the energy  into dead body. Charlie Chaplin once said,” I have many problems in my life. But my lips don’t know that. They always smile.” A  smile can make a huge difference in your life. A smile has a power to change the worse condition into better. A smile makes you cool, calm, confident and happy. A smile relax your mind. A little smile can change your mood. Smile gives a healthy feeling. Wherever you go, give a smile to everyone and it will make you happy and others too. Smile is the shortest distance between two people, so whenever you see a person without smile, give him one of yours. By giving smile you can make the angry face into smiley face and everyone loves smiley face. Start everyday with a smile. At least it’s a good start. Smile gives you a hope to live life. Smile works like a medicine to sick people. With a smile you can place in the corner of heart of stranger. Smile increases your level of personality. Always smile when you greet someone. Keep always fresh memories of smiling babies inside your mind. Smile boost you up to the highest level from your existing level. Smile gives you a confidence to lead with your problems. Smiles forces you to think in a positive way. Good thing about smile is that it is God gifted and it cost nothing. Smile makes you healthy, wealthy and wise.  It helps you to come out from tyranny. Smile connects you to your family, to your friends, to the people who are strange to you, to the world and universe also. Smile has such a power that a single smile can make millions smile. Let your smile change the world but don’t let the world change your smile. So keep on smiling and help yourself as well as others to have a better life.  

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Visualization is the key to see your goals.

Visualization has such a power that you cannot imagine. When you visualize your goals, you give so much energy to you goals. You must be able to see yourself succeeding in your mind first. Write down about your success and read it to yourself. This makes things real because humans do not read in words but think in pictures what they read. The Law of Attraction is one of the most popular areas of personal development today. The Law of Attraction is very simple stated as follows: You will attract towards you whatever you focus on. What this means is that what you think of most is likely to represent your reality in the future. So if you keep thinking of yourself as successful and happy then your life will automatically steer itself in that direction. If you keep too much negativity inside you then you will attract only more of the same. In other words, a positive mindset will help you achieve what you want and a negative attitude will only multiply your failure. The more strongly you believe in yourself and your own happiness and success the more you focus on all the good things that can happen to you and the more you cut out all negative thoughts out of your life the better you will live. The Law of Attraction says that you will receive what you give. Visualization has such power that you cannot imagine. Make a visualization board according to you visualizing yourself that you are living a peaceful life, you do exciting things everyday, you are enjoying every moment with your family, you are traveling to exotic places, you are healthy and you are surrounded with wealth. When you visualize it gives a good sense of feeling into your mind and makes it calm and cool. Good thing about this is that you can do this anywhere whether you are at home, park, office and in bathroom also. Interestingly I use this technique when I take bath in the bathroom taking shower closing my eyes for five minutes. You can also apply this if you think so otherwise leave it and find your way and place to visualize.