Sunday, June 23, 2013

Close your eyes and listen to your own voice

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside. Awakens."- Carl Jung

When we want to take decision or say something, wait and think whose voice is this? Sometimes it is the voice of our father, mother, teacher, friends, relative and sometimes of unknown people. But there is always one voice that we don’t listen to, this is our own voice. We have always been taught to listen to our father, mother, elders and teacher. But we have never been taught only listen to our own voice or listen to your heart. Our own voice has been buried under the voice of people who are around us.

We have to raise ourselves from such all voices and we have to listen to our own voice.  Because unless we recognize our own voice, our life will be a long story of sorrows, right from birth to death. In the world only those people are happy who listen to their own voice and live their life with their own wisdom. They object to one who tries to put his or her voice on them. Only our own voice is important and will blossom inside of us. How to identify our own voice? First whatever thoughts come in mind, talk to yourself. Is it your own voice? And is coming from your own heart? Or this voice is of anyone else. You will get surprised; this is the voice of your mother, father, teacher and elders etc., whom you are listening to regularly.

Our heart is like a Camera who keep all those words that we listen to and keep on flashing to these words again and again. You don’t need to fight with your elders, mother, father, you only need to know this is not your voice, this is someone else voice and you must follow to your own voice. And when you get to know your own voice, say thanks with grace to your elders, teacher, mother and father. Take the decision according to your wisdom and wish to move forward. Now you are matured. From long time you were a child and were dependent on others, now this is the time to make your own identification.

 Confidently say let me leave alone and close your eyes and then real voice will raise from you and when you will start listening to your own voice, your face will blossom with smile and life will be of no sorrow and regrets. "Listen to your own voice, your own soul, too many people listen to the noise of the world, instead of themselves." - Leon Brown 

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