Thursday, June 27, 2013

A healthy environment plays a role as a manure to grow well

One of the timeless truth of successful living can be stated simply: Our thoughts form our world. What we focus on in our life grows, what we think about expands and what we dwell on determines our destiny. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy; it gives us just about what we expect from it. For becoming serene and happy person, we have to manage our thoughts and purify our thinking. One of the best ways to begin this inner work is to improve the quality of our personal environment.

Our thoughts are shaped by the people with whom we associate, by the books we read, by the words we speak and by our daily physical surroundings. We have to ask ourselves that are we spending our time with negative people? If so, they will eventually make us negative and cynical. Are we watching or listening violent movies, TV shows and mindless videos at home and office? If so, our mind will grow restless and noisy. Is your working place bright, colorful and inspiring? If not, then make it bright, colorful and inspiring or change that place immediately. In what environment we live that matters most for us. Whoever walks with wise becomes wise and whoever walks with fool becomes fool.

So we have to see carefully in what environment we are living. Surround yourself only with those people who are positive. Keep your environment neat and clean whether you are at office or at home so that you can inhale fresh air and think fresh and get positive vibes. Throw out all the garbage i.e. all negative thoughts that we have in our mind and make it clean. As we know a plant needs good quality manure to grow well. Likewise we need to have a good quality living environment with flowers, trees, fresh air and people with positive thoughts so that we can grow well.

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